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Miss Rutherford - 9 COM 2017

Troyhayward's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Troyhayward's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

A want is something that you would like to have and you cant have everything because you will go bankrupt. The difference between a need and a want is money because if you buy all the things you want you wont have any money but if you buy a little bit of what you want and you save then you will be living a happy life in the future. I don't think that mobile phones are a need because people that didn't have a phone in the 17th century and they still survived.

2 points

A need is essential things, Like food, water, air and many more things. The difference between a need and a want is money because if you buy all the things you want you wont have any money but if you buy a little bit of what you want and you save then you will be living a happy life in the future. I stand for needs because I personally don't want many things.

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