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RSS Charlotte_km

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
2 points

Having a mandatory jury system is important in creating diversity that represents the community. For example, instead of having just middle aged white men deciding the decision. Having a wide variety of people of all ages, sexes, jobs types, personal background experiences etc can help have a more fair and just explanation.

3 points

The jury system should not be mandatory for several reasons; the first being the amount of Tax payer money that is wasted, this can go to other improvements in society. A lot of the more severe cases that include murders and complex forensic evidence, would need more experienced citizens that can come to a fairer conclusion for both sides. Another reason is that many full time workers may not have the spare time whether it be family reasons, financial flexibility or other outside commitments.

I also found out in America there have been some cases where the case drags on for a longer period of time, people have lost their jobs.

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